Processflow JDBC

After a lot of frustration trying to get the SQL nodes to work on various versions of Lawson System Foundation, I’m posting what we’ve learned so far. There seems to be a lot of misinformation out there, so here’s what we have working.

On LSF9, for SQL Server, you can only use the SQL 2000 drivers (at least in our experience). In 9.0.1, the 2005 and 2008 drivers seem to work fine. Oracle works the same in both versions.

SQL Server 2000:
JDBC Driver:
URL: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<server>;DatabaseName=<DBName>
Jar files: msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar

SQL Server 1.2/2.0
JDBC Driver:
URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<server>;DatabaseName=<DBName>
Jar files: sqljdbc4.jar

JDBC Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:<port>:<SID>
Jar files: classes12.jar,, ojdbc6.jar*

* The correct ojdbc.jar file depends on your version. This is the jar file for Oracle 11g. Oracle 10g/9i (I’m not sure) uses ojdbc14.jar

To run on the server, you must add the appropriate jar files in the $GENDIR/bpm/jar directory (or %GENDIR%/bpm/jar if you’re on Windows).

To run on your machine, it depends. Using the “old” version of process flow designer, you need to make sure that the jar files are on your local machine and you’ve added the jar files to the CLASSPATH in the designer.bat file.

It should look something like this (for SQL server 2005/2008):
SET CLASSPATH=.;.\lib\secLS.jar;.\lib\bpmsso.jar;.\lib\MvxAPI.jar;.\lib\bpm-clients.jar;.\lib\bpm-commons.jar;.\lib\activation.jar;.\lib\collections.jar;.\lib\jakarta-oro-2.0.jar;.\lib\jbcl.jar;.\lib\jcfield450K.jar;.\lib\js.jar;.\lib\xbean.jar;.\lib\mailapi.jar;.\lib\mercjava.jar;.\lib\pf-xmljava.jar;.\lib\pf-rel802.jar;.\lib\;.\lib\smtp.jar;.\lib\xercesImpl.jar;.\lib\xml-apis.jar;.\lib\lawson-httpclient.jar;C:\JDBC\sqljdbc4.jar

For the 9.0.1 Designer version, you need to add the appropriate jars to the “External Jar” section.
Window>Preferences…>”External Jars”
Click “New…” and select the appropriate jar file.



  1. If you use Oracle then to run PF Designer locally you must use “” for the JDBC file. Per Lawson support PF Designer was written using JDK 1.1 and has never been updated. If you chose the “run on server” option in Designer then it will use the JDBC files installed on your server..

  2. Thank you for this. The entire rest of the web was useless in trying to figure out the exact right combination of FM and BS, entirely different from the what the documentation says of course, to get jdbc to work.

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